We organize not only transport services and cargo handling, but also the distribution of goods in the warehouse and consolidation of groupage cargoes in Italy.
One effective solution is to use innovative technologies in warehousing and inventory management. “Transfrigo” SRL has used the international experience in this field and can provide a comprehensive product which includes the optimal set of services on transport and warehouse logistics.
- a wide range of services from a direct rent to a complex service of secure storage;
- various equipment for placing and storage of commodities and goods: floor storage, longline and high altitude rack storage;
- cross-docking (receipt and shipment of goods and cargoes through the warehouse directly, without a long-term storage);
- use of modern storage equipment and loaders;
- wide opportunities for open cargo storage and movement of cargo by open method using cranes and special devices;
- indoor guarded perimeter, area and facilities of the complex that are equipped with video surveillance and fire protection systems.
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