Consolidation of goods is the collection and storage of various goods intended for later transport in the same direction. Assets accepted under consolidation are subject to a step involving the examination, preparation of documents, sorting and distribution. All these operations take place as the goods are stored in the warehouse, thus reducing the time for shipment preparations. The consolidation step accelerates the process of creating small orders to be shipped in the same direction, which contributes to a faster delivery to the recipient. Mention should also be made of the considerable saving of financial means specific to this method of transport.
The TRANSFRIGO group provides a full range of services related to the consolidation of goods, namely:
– packaging carried out according to the conditions of transport;
– measurement and photography;
– sorting and palletizing;
– upload download;
– responsible storage of goods accepted for consolidation;
– preparation of the entire package of documents, including export declarations from Eurozone countries;
– customs clearance and insurance of transported goods.
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